Lincoln – Kennedy Cent

At the last Bel Mar Coin Club Monthly Meeting my son was given a 1974 uncirculated Lincoln Cent with a profile image of President John F. Kennedy engraved onto the Cent so the 2 Presidents are facing each other on the Obverse of the coin.  (see the scanned image below)

Lincoln-Kennedy Cent

Here are the Astonishing Coincidences with these 2 Presidents:

Lincoln was elected in 1860; Kennedy in 1960

There are 7 letters in each last name

Both men were slain on a Friday in the presence of their wives

Both were directly concerned with Civil Rights

Kennedy’s secretary named Lincoln warned him not to go to Dallas;

Lincoln’s secretary named Kennedy warned him not to go to the Theater.

Both of their successor’s were named Johnson; Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.

Booth and Oswald were both Southerners favoring unpopular ideas.

Oswald shot Kennedy from a Warehouse and hid in a Theater.

Booth shot Lincoln in a Theater and hid in a Warehouse.

Pretty Astonishing!


Pot Luck Dinner

The next regular meeting of the Bel Mar Coin Club is scheduled for Monday January 21, 2013.

Starting at 7:00 pm we will have a Pot Luck Dinner. Members are asked to bring their spouse / significant other and a dinner dish to serve 2.

Following the Dinner and lively conversation we will have our Monthly Coin Auction and there are some very nice Coins to bid on this month. (Please click on the Auction Sheets Tab to see the latest sheet with Coins and prices)

Guests are invited to attend the Pot Luck Dinner and the Auction. If you are interested in attending on Monday January 21, 2013 please see our About Us Page for contact information, or leave a Reply on this Post.  You can also visit our Facebook Page and connect with us there.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 21st!

Whitman Show Kids Korner

Bel Mar Coin Club received a surprise package last meeting from Ms. Pattie Finner. Ms. Pattie travels the USA working the Kids Korner displays at the Whitman Shows. If you have never been to a Whitman Show at the Baltimore Convention Center, you owe it to yourself (and your kids!) to attend one soon. And be sure to go early in the morning and get the schedule of events for the Kids Korner for the day you attend. (you can see a photo on our Kids Korner Page of one of our Junior Members and a friend at one of the Kids Korner activities) Whitman knows how to treat Junior Coin Collectors and your kids will be excited about Coin Collecting once they have interacted with Ms. Pattie Finner and the other Whitman Show employees and helpers.

Here is how Bel Mar was treated this past month:
A Representative from the Maryland State Numismatic Association came to our Meeting and gave a special Presentation. Ms. Pattie Finner and Whitman Shows generously donated 6 US Presidential Dollar Coins in Proof 70 Slabs! We received 1 George Washington, 1 Thomas Jefferson, and 4 James Monroe Presidential Dollar Coins in their Mint Perfect condition!

Bel Mar Coin Club will be auctioning these Coins as part of our upcoming monthly Auctions, or part of the Coin Show in May. All proceeds of the Auctions will go to our Junior Coin Collector Program (YN Program). There will be another Post soon describing this Program. We are encouraging more Young People to join and get involved with our Club. Coin Collecting is a worthwhile Hobby, and the ideal time to start collecting is when you are young!

We hope to see you at our next Club Meeting, or at our Spring Coin Show in May. Check the other Tabs/Pages on this website for Auction Sheets or for more detailed information about the next Coin Show.

Coin Collecting Booklet

I visited a website for Jim’s Coins in Madison, Wisconsin and found a great Coin Collecting Booklet.  Here is the link for the website:

Here is a direct link to the Booklet:

If you click on the picture or the download link you can save a copy as a .pdf file.

I did this and then saved it to a flash drive / thumb drive and then took the thumb drive to Office Depot and they printed a copy for me.

**Now – here is the trick – Office Depot printed 2 pages per 8″ x 11″ paper and printed on both sides. Then they cut the pages and bound them with a spiral edge and I have a small Coin Collecting Checklist Booklet!  Here is what it looks like:

Take this to Coin Shows and Coin Club meetings and to your Local Coin Shop – it is a great way to keep track of your Coin Collection as it grows!

**Update: I am editing the Coin Collecting Booklet and adding up to the current year for modern issue US Coins. I will leave a few blank spaces for future years, too, and maybe a little more room for Notes. It is a tedious process and will take some time, but once it is complete BelMar Coin Club will have a link for the Booklet on our website, and we will have copies available for sale (at our cost) during Club Meetings and during our Coin Shows.