Bel Mar Coin Club has seen an increase in Members and some Visitors to almost every meeting lately.
Our next Club Meeting is Monday January 19th, so click on the Auction Sheets Tab or the About Us Tab for more information.
We have set the date for our 2015 Coin Show in Aberdeen, Maryland. The Hall is rented, and Bourse Applications are being mailed out to Coin Dealers for this year’s Show which will be on May 30th, 2015 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Click on the Coin Shows Tab for more info, or to see a copy of our Flyer for the Show.
On our Links Page we added some new website links! If you are a Treasure Hunter, or if you are looking for a real nice Metal Detector, be sure to check out the Links Page, or you can connect from here:
Maryland Free-State Treasure Club
Hope to see you at an upcoming Club Meeting or at our next Coin Show!
January 2015 updates and news